Commercial structure in the United States
In partnership with Walmart, Alquist completed the largest 3D concrete-printed (3DCP) commercial building in the United States.
The 8,000 square-foot addition to Walmart Supercenter in Athens, Tenn. boasts 19’4” high walls – among the tallest, seismic-ready, 3DCP structures in the world.
The use of 3DCP revolutionizes the construction of commercial spaces to offer more efficient and sustainable solutions when compared to traditional construction methods.

Alquist utilizes high-precision 3DCP robotic technology and carbon-neutral materials to pioneer faster, stronger, and economical building innovations that are environmentally responsible.
Part of our mission is partnering with communities to utilize our 3DCP technology and adopt our Economic Ecosystem. Our Economic Ecosystem model introduces our 3DCP training & curriculum for the next workforce generation to create new jobs, affordable housing, and stronger infrastructure – all for a more sustainable future.
No two 3DCP projects are the same, so why settle for one-size-fits-all equipment? At Alquist, our dedicated R&D team tailors every 3D concrete printing solution to your project’s unique demands—whether you're aiming for taller, more complex structures or battling fluctuating temperatures. We're here to ensure you have the right tools to get the job done seamlessly.
In partnership with Aims Community College, the Alquist team has pioneered a groundbreaking 30-hour certificate course designed to advance workforce development in the rapidly growing 3DCP industry. Our vision is for this innovative curriculum to be adopted by institutions nationwide, forging a clear pathway for the next generation of skilled professionals to enter this cutting-edge, ever-evolving field.
Ready to bring your own 3D concrete printing projects to life? Alquist offers an exclusive licensee program, giving companies access to our customized 3DCP equipment packages. To ensure your success, we provide comprehensive on-site training, along with ongoing support in technical operations, supply chain management, and design. Partner with Alquist and unlock the full potential of 3D concrete printing.
Alquist is implementing offsite 3DCP to produce infrastructure products year round in a controlled environment. From modular curbs with integrated drainage to landscape features, vaults and cross walks we are able to develop a wide array of products for municipal usage.
Co-developed with Greeley, Colorado-based Aims Community College, Alquist’s curriculum program is changing the construction landscape.
This innovative course is a first step to pursuing job opportunities in the rapidly expanding field of 3D-printed homes and infrastructure.
Immediately after completing this low-cost training, you’ll be ready to put your new skills to work. This pioneering partnership between Alquist and Aims will help develop a trained workforce ready to step into 3D construction printing jobs.
The fully online, four-unit, 30-hour certificate course is self-paced and open to anyone interested in learning more.
Who we work with
About ALquist
In December of 2021, Alquist became synonymous with 3D concrete printing (3DCP) by completing the first owner-occupied 3D printed home in the world. Alquist uses 3D printing technology to create exceptional designs while lowering the cost of housing and infrastructure. After 6+ years of research, and working with multiple machines and materials, Alquist continues to be a leader in the industry.
Alquist’s approach to 3DCP has been unique in our emerging industry. As 3DCP continued to emerge, Alquist took the route of becoming a construction company – as opposed to a manufacturer. Our goal is to become experts on a wide variety of printers, materials, and methods to expand our understanding and gain insightful knowledge of the best practices for the future of this industry. Alquist is the only 3DCP company that knows to work directly with local city officials, passcode and permitting, and successfully print a home using multiple printers and/or materials.
In September 2023 Alquist moved our offices to Greeley, CO after working with the City and the State of Colorado. Together with our municipal partners, and Aims Community College, to create our unique Economic Ecosystem, bringing jobs and housing back to our communities.
What/Who is Alquist?
The name Alquist goes back to founder Zachary Mannheimer's theater background. Alquist is a character in the 1920 satirical play R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots) by the Czech playwright Karel Čapek. R.U.R. was the first piece of literature to coin the term "Robot".
In the play, "robots" are invented to speed up Rossum's manufacturing facility. Over time the robots take on human emotion and revolt over their conditions, leading to an epic battle of robot vs. human. Alquist, the main engineer, is the only character in the story who believes that humans and robots can co-exist peacefully. He is spared by the robots and charged with forging ahead a new robot/human peace.
Alquist Leadership
Mike Halas, Chief Strategy Officer
Ryan Cox, Chief Operating Officer
Chris Vaughn, VP of Operations
Krissy Adamow, Director of Programs
Aiman Hussein, Director of Technologies
Joe Crimmings, Creative Director
Greg Galifianakis, HR Director
Contact Us
Alquist 3D Headquarters
617 6th Street
Greeley, CO 80631
For Questions
Please note: At this time we are unable to consider individual home requests or projects consisting of less than 100 units.
Alquist is not a publicly traded company.
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